I was the fourteenth wife of a Neo-Native American Cult Leader in New Mexico...

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I met him in the UK, three years after I had lost both my parents to AIDS.  I was vulnerable, grieving and suffering from depression. His association, consisting of himself, his wives and a few hundred followers, preached eco-awareness and Native American spirituality.

I was groomed for several months in the UK before I was persuaded to visit his compound in New Mexico.  I knew that if I went I would have to marry him.  I was hesitant, but they made me feel it was my obligation - like it was my destiny.

It soon became apparent that his association was a front for his own ego-driven fantasy.  He manipulated, bullied and abused.  He wanted me to stay and have his children, but I saw what was going on and left.

Leaving was difficult and scary, I was abandoning my new family to go back to London where I had nothing.  I slowly rebuilt my life.  I’m so grateful that I had the strength to get out when I did.

 ~Kelly Alder
Author of ‘The Fourteenth Wife’
