Freedom of thought is a universal human right.

Share Your Story.

Impact Lives.

Make a Difference.



Sharing Stories, Connecting Survivors

In being heard, we feel seen. In listening, we heal.
Amplifying silenced voices. Breaking cycles of isolation.
Empowering individuals to reclaim their autonomy.
Every story matters.


Every Voice Matters


In the journey of healing, every story holds power. While some voices may gain more attention, it is the diverse tapestry of our individual experiences that create meaningful impact. We can provide validation to one another and minimize the isolation that often accompanies leaving high-control environments.

Tagging your posts with #igotout on social media provides a means to connect with others who can relate to your experiences and you to theirs. Using #igotout is both a victory cry and a message to others that their own freedom is within reach as well.

Healing happens when we speak our truths. Your voice matters, and by sharing your story, you may just provide the hope or encouragement someone else needs to begin their own journey of reclaiming their life.

Our strategy should be not only to confront the empire, but to lay siege to it . . . With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness — and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe.
— Arundhati Roy

Taking Back Our Lives…

Leaving an immersive, all-consuming, high-control environment is likely the hardest thing a person will ever do. Choosing to break from an ideology or belief system, the familiarity of an abusive relationship, or the promise and security of an exploitative workplace takes enormous bravery and is a profound act of self-reclamation.

Regardless of the specifics, if we feel controlled, manipulated, or oppressed by a person, group, or belief system, our experiences and resulting emotions are clues crucial to our recovery. Undue influence, abuse of power, and coercive control follow patterns. It is through first-person accounts of our experiences that these patterns can emerge, helping us make sense of what happened to us.

The time we spent submersed and invested in a high-demand group or relationship will often impact our ability to maintain healthy relationships with friends and family members. The mix of emotions we may feel upon leaving that toxic environment—grief, anger, relief, confusion, guilt, and everything in between—is completely normal. The loss of time, connection, and autonomy, along with shame about the harm we experienced, witnessed, and/or perpetrated, may have left us struggling to make sense of things.

The stories and resources featured on this site are meant to give us and our loved ones understanding, validation, and a starting point for recovery and healing.


The power of #igotout: Transforming lives and society through hashtag activism.

The #igotout movement harnesses the power of hashtag activism to amplify the voices of survivors of high-control environments, such as cults, abusive relationships, and exploitative groups. By sharing everyday examples of coercive control and undue influence, #igotout activists and advocates aim to nurture new healthy connections, promote a more nuanced understanding of these issues and patterns, and ultimately drive personal healing and societal change.


Here are some ways you can help amplify the #igotout movement:

• Share your story on your social media platforms using the #igotout hashtag.
• Engage with others by commenting on their posts and using the #igotout hashtag.
• Follow #igotout and related hashtags to discover new connections and build community.
• Amplify other survivors' voices by reposting their content with the #igotout hashtag.
• Contribute to the community by sharing resources that have helped you in your healing journey.
• Tag @igotout_org on instagram as a post collaborator to increase visibility and amplification of your post.

Explore the "activism" page to learn more about how you can get involved and contribute to this growing community of support and advocacy. Together, we can create a ripple effect of empowerment, education, and understanding.

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The cult population today is the career person. Cults want productive people. They want A-type personalities. They want people who can perform for them, who can run their businesses, who can bring in their social network, and who have money.
— Janja Lalich, Ph.D.

The Origin of #igotout

A Response to Unprecedented Times:

In the midst of a global pandemic, as lock-downs and isolation became the norm, people around the world found themselves grappling with a new reality. Quarantines provided an opportunity for separation from high-control groups and the sudden abundance of time for self-reflection led many to question their involvement in churches, religions, or high-demand organizations.

As the 2020 US presidential election loomed, conspiracy theories and online disinformation spread rapidly, causing confusion, fear, and rifts in families and friendships. In this climate of uncertainty, people turned to social media to share their stories, seeking connection and understanding from others who were experiencing similar struggles.

The release of several high-profile documentaries during this period, exposing the manipulative tactics employed by high-control groups, provided a framework for individuals to make sense of their own experiences. It was against this backdrop that the #igotout movement was born, offering a platform for survivors to come together, share their stories, and support one another in their journey towards healing and self-discovery.

 Visit @igotout_org on Instagram

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