The #igotout movement empowers survivors of high-control environments by building connections within a diverse and compassionate community. By courageously sharing your stories, you can shed light on the universal patterns of coercive control, abuse of power, and manipulation.

Through courage and vulnerability, cycles of exploitation can be broken. Sharing your collective truths dispels societal misconceptions regarding the impact of high-control groups and relationships, transforming isolation into solidarity and turning understanding into action. In recognizing harmful patterns across diverse environments, you can prevent further harm.




The Origins of #igotout:
Empowering Survivors in a Time of Crisis


"Freedom of thought is a universal human right."

This powerful statement lies at the heart of the #igotout movement, which emerged during a period of unprecedented global upheaval. As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world in 2020, forcing countries into lockdown and people into isolation, many found themselves grappling with a new reality. For those who had been involved in high-control groups, whether a religion, a business, a family, or an organization, the break people had from these environments and the sudden abundance of time for self-reflection led to a profound questioning of beliefs and experiences.

The launch of the #igotout movement coincided with a series of pivotal events that brought issues of social justice and abuse of power to the forefront of public consciousness. In May of 2020, the killing of George Floyd sparked nationwide protests and a renewed call for racial justice through the #blacklivesmatter movement. Shortly thereafter, the trial, conviction, and sentencing of Harvey Weinstein marked a significant victory for the #metoo movement.

Amidst a highly contentious and divisive US presidential election, conspiracy theories and online disinformation ran rampant, causing confusion, fear, and rifts in families and friendships. In this climate of uncertainty and social unrest, the need for a supportive community of survivors became more apparent than ever.

While these other movements were often catalyzed by newsworthy events, #igotout represents a slower, more gradual process of community building and awareness-raising. By creating supportive spaces for survivors to connect and share their stories, #igotout aims to bring about a fundamental shift in our understanding of coercion and extremism.

The release of high-profile documentaries like "The Vow" and "Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult" and the many others released since the launch of igotout.org have helped to bring the issue of high-control groups into the mainstream consciousness, providing a framework for understanding the manipulative tactics employed by controlling groups and individuals.

Against this backdrop of global crisis, social isolation, political turmoil, and increasing awareness of the dangers of high-control groups, #igotout emerged as a vital support system for those seeking to reclaim their lives and build a brighter future for themselves. Through the power of shared stories and collective support, #igotout continues to inspire hope, healing, and transformation for survivors around the globe, reminding us that the fight for freedom of thought is a universal struggle that unites us all.


It Took a Village!

The #igotout movement has grown, providing visibility and connection for survivors, thanks to the invaluable contributions of numerous individuals who have raised awareness, shared stories, and built a supportive community. As it would be impossible to name everyone who has made a difference, it is important to acknowledge the collective impact of every person who has shared their story, offered support, and spread the word about this movement.

Your voice, activism, and advocacy have made a profound difference in the lives of survivors of cultic abuse. Every effort, no matter the size, has the power to contribute to the ripple effect of healing and empowerment. The tangible impact of your contributions cannot be overstated.

A friend and fellow activist once said, "A hashtag has done its work when it's no longer relevant." While the conversation has definitely broadened, clearly there is much more to be done. The #igotout movement will continue to play a vital role in supporting every human's right to personal autonomy, freedom, and choice.

To be an activist is to speak. To be an advocate is to listen. Society can’t move forward without both.
— Eva Marie Lewis

Volunteering with igotout.org

Pull back the curtain on coercive control and undue influence!

Process story submissions (editing and graphic design skills necessary)
Create informative, research-based posts
Facilitate expansion of underdeveloped igotout.org social media platforms
Watch and review documentaries and films for YouTube channel
Manage book giveaways and promotions with authors
Lead and share an awareness-building initiative
Make films to showcase the stories of survivors
Produce a podcast to amplify survivors’ stories
Contribute to the writing and design the igotout.org newsletter
Lead a focus of the month on social media
Be an ambassador for broadening the reach of #igotout



Hi, my name is Lisa. As an activist and the creator/editor of igotout.org, my mission is to ensure that the resources, stories, and content shared on this platform remain accessible and beneficial to all survivors, free of any financial barriers, exploitation, or ulterior motives. The #igotout movement is a grassroots, contributor-driven initiative, focused on supporting and empowering those who have experienced coercive control and undue influence.

I believe that no one should profit from the exploitation of survivors and our stories. Any initiatives undertaken by igotout.org are funded entirely by those managing the effort. My commitment is to create and ensure a safe, inclusive, and collaborative space through both this website and associated igotout.org social media platforms. It is my intention that through the #igotout movement, survivors can find the resources, support, and understanding they need to heal, grow, and reclaim their lives.

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