The demons in my head - Fuck you life coach!


I met a psychopathic life coach who ruined my life.

She used every possible psychological manipulation and brainwashing technique to make me her puppet.

It all began when I was 25 years old and left a toxic relationship. I had encountered several physical abuses, but nothing was as bad as the psychological pain I had to endure months later.

I met my life coach surfing in the water, where we decided to go for a few drinks and met at social gatherings. We lost contact when I was working 70 hours during winter season in a fancy snow resort.

Then Covid happened. I started having sleeping difficulties and social anxiety. Usually, I was a very outgoing and happy person.

Then I decided to book a life coaching session with the girl I met in the water when surfing. The first session focused on meditation. Later, I realized she was also using a technique called 'love bombing'.

She gave me this huge sense of belonging that I had longed for. My mother was not always emotionally available. Sharing my feelings with her was very hard. So, I felt okay that someone was really listening to me. I was able to open up about all the abuse that had happened to me, and she was there to "hold space."

We started with some energetic cleansing, which I had never heard about, but I was interested to learn more. We talked every day on the phone, and I booked regular sessions with her. She slowly started introducing me to "entities". She told me I had a special role to play on this earth. To be here to save humanity and fight off dark forces for the new world order.

She told me I had stuck entities on me that gave me bad vibes and stole my life force whenever I felt a negative emotion, but I wouldn't need to worry, she would be there to help me. She started with questions directed to my subconscious. She would get in contact with my inner parts, inner child, etc., and would approach them and try to heal those parts by guiding me with envisioning and emotions to bring those stuck entities back to "god."

As this is what I would be here for: to transcend the dark to the light.

I started having more and more sleeping issues. I couldn't sleep much. During the healing, she delved into a very big trauma of mine. She asked me to forgive all men and entities that had harmed me. She said I had chosen this before I came to earth. I was only allowed to feel positive vibes, and she checked in daily via phone on my progress. I started meditating for hours. I left friends and family as she said, "They would be harmful to me." She told me I would have parents on another planet who were waiting for me to get to know them.

Further, she told me in past lives I had been sexually abused by entities and famous people (QAnon theory).

From there on and after this healing session where we discussed this, I felt sexually abused every night.

I could feel the trauma from when I was raped during sleep when I was 20 years old. Every night for 5 months I cried in bed, physically feeling that someone was touching me. As I was drowning in fear, she would be the only one to help me get out of this trauma. Nothing I tried solved this. She said I would be ascending and I would need to sit with it and feel it through; whatever comes, I need to feel it again and again to transcend darkness to light.

It went on and on, where she told me about spirit guides and to address them.

From there on she worked on the parts of my psyche and told me that these guides would help me in this life. And I could listen to them, "channel" them, as I myself would be a psychic.

She was like my mother, and I started entering a different reality, which was far away from what was actually happening.

I met her in a restaurant where I had my first panic attack, because my body screamed to run away from her. All she did was sit there and tell me I was being attacked by entities, with a smile on her face. My mind was going crazy as she manifested more and more of my inner parts, which were starting to "talk" to each other.

I was going insane.

Heartbroken and alone, I finally left her. For 4 months, I struggled, running around and fighting off the demons in my mind. I was exhausted, feeling physically attacked every night.

Finally, after 3 weeks without sleep, I voluntarily committed myself to a psych ward due to my psychotic symptoms. I stayed there for 7 months.

Nobody believed me though. They gave me the diagnosis "paranoid schizophrenia" because I told them about entities and spirit guides. One clinic later, a doctor who supported clients with cult abuse finally heard me, and we went through what actually happened.

Then the healing began.

It's been three years now. The life coach didn't want to take accountability and ran away. She is still with me in my head, but I do not let her control my thoughts, feelings, and emotions anymore. I am slowly getting back to myself again. And I will never let anyone control my life again.

I have been suffering from PTSD for 2 years now. And there's still a long way to go in my healing.

I went to the police. The public prosecutor decided that it is fraud involving bodily harm, as she worked on the psyche without certification, which is punishable.

She is nowhere to be found, and I need to wait for the time she will be found.

And trust me, I am determined to find this psychopathic woman who took my life away. She manipulated me solely to fulfill her desire to create emotional dependency and engage in abusive behavior. Before I met her, I had so much: friends, family, and trust in humanity. She took all of that away from me. For the first time in my life, I've lost complete faith in people.

I hope she suffers in her own prison daily, the prison I had to endure for more than 3 years and likely more to come. But guess what, it cannot get any worse than this. So, I hope life doesn't push me even further than this.

I have finally broken free. I am OUT!

