You're never as alone as you think you are...

I’ve been out of the new age cult I was in for going on thirty years, and I still look in the mirror and ask myself, “what was I thinking, and how could I have let that happen?” I hope it’s a question I never stop asking myself…because there is a side of me, that’s afraid if I stop asking, I may end up back in a similar situation. Damn it! I literally almost stopped myself from saying that because the guy who ran my cult, let’s call him Craig, used to say, “Side of you? Are you a box? How many sides do you have?” I have been out of that cult for almost thirty years, AND I STILL HAVE HIS VOICE IN MY HEAD!

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There's a lot to unpack.

My story, the story about my daughter (who was in a cult for 30 years) has wracked me with guilt, sorrow and anger. But that was later. Before that, I was just numb. Before that I was ignorant, unknowing.

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Sleeping on a real bed...

When it comes to narcissists and cults, we all see what we want to see and there’s just enough glimpses of that to make us stay in spite of the abuse...and in some cases the abuse is framed in such a way that if one perseveres, there’s growth and soul evolution to be had in the other side.

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My daughter was in a cult...

I don't know when I realized my daughter was in a cult and she was in it for 30 years. I remember a conversation in a parking lot with one of the other members, at least 15 years after she had joined, where I bemoaned the state of affairs not understanding why our "relationship" was the way it was.

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After 46 years, I got out!

For twenty years after being expelled from my cult, I remained mentally attached. I decided to see if there was a group in my situation and stumbled across the truth that I had been a victim of a cult.

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