A True Conservatory Student...
For three years, starting in tenth grade, I attended a Christian based performing arts school. Up until that point in my life I had been homeschooled.
At one point, I thought those three years were and would always be the best years of my life. During those three years I also thought I was crazy, spiritually enlightened, and on the brink of doom all at once.
T. was our principal, the founder of the school, our English teacher, and choir director. Almost half of the employees at the school were his relatives. When I interviewed to be accepted to the school, T. told me, “The only thing we don’t do here is goth. Our children walk in the light of Jesus.”
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Demon Mare...
An excerpt from:
Miss Burden’s World
Biography of a Cult Poster Child
I wondered if my mother’s annoyance over my preoccupation with my animals was what accounted for her increasing moodiness. She peered at me from beneath the rim of her parasol sprinkled with yellow daisies one day, more like a gargoyle from under a cornice than a former debutant.
“I had premonitions last night about the series of cataclysms that will take place on our planet. Wars, fires and terrible storms. You must prepare yourself for the day when a flame-flecked cloudbank overhangs our horizon…
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I got out, got back in and finally got out again...
When I was 18 years old, living with my then-boyfriend in Washington, DC, we were on a spiritual search. He dragged me to a variety of high demand groups before settling on the one he thought was the “highest.”
We moved into their ashram, but he was kidnapped and deprogrammed by one of several deprogramming companies that were popular in the 1970s and 80s, and I was stuck with nowhere to go.
I stayed for 10 years.
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Good For Nothing Slave Girl...
Likewise, when you have done all the things assigned to you, say:
‘We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.’ — Luke 17:10
The papers in my hand were still warm from the printer. Standing alone in my bedroom, I read the testimony of a principal leader of the religion I was born into to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse in Australia.
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Escaping a Web of Magical Miracles...
I have decided to write about my experience in a high demand spiritual community after hearing an inner circle member died recently, who most likely was encouraged to 'pay no attention to the body' which is a mantra there.
In 2008 a spiritual teacher of mine invited our group to go to see an awakened teacher who traveled around the world following the voice of the holy spirit via divine providence and lessons from a well-known spiritual text.
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Be God...
“They say you’ll die if we don’t stay late and do this timeline”
I open my eyes to look around to see the looks of shock on everyone’s faces only to find everyone, eyes closed, completely un-phased by what just came out of his mouth.
It was a typical practice for him to keep us past the 10pm end time of our weekly class, sometimes until nearly midnight every Tuesday. No one complained, because at level 9.2, which took 8 or more years to achieve, we had learned not to ever question, criticize or complain about anything a teacher at the school did, especially the leader.
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Discovering Myself: Cult to Freedom
“Peace and freedom are worth the loneliness.”
Religion runs incredibly deep in my family of origin. Christianity goes back at least 5 generations on both sides, and if you aren’t a Christian, then you don’t exist to anyone. In the 1990’s, I was born into this family, followed by my siblings a few years later. When I was about 2, we moved to another state. While there, my parents hired a babysitter for us when they both worked.
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Who was I supposed to be? I still have no idea, really.
I thought my home was happy.
I thought love was just tricky and came with terms and conditions. Especially when it comes to family. They only want the best for you after all, right?
I thought her happiness was my priority.
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The demons in my head - Fuck you life coach!
I met a psychopathic life coach who ruined my life.
She used every possible psychological manipulation and brainwashing technique to make me her puppet.
It all began when I was 25 years old and left a toxic relationship. I had encountered several physical abuses, but nothing was as bad as the psychological pain I had to endure months later.
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I was molded into a claypot until I molded myself...
I remember my birth date, month and year. My brother came out with an appearance similar to that of my parents and extended family. I have double eyelids and skin that is slightly darker than most of my extended family, making me the black sheep. I had an attachment problem since my birth as I cried every time my loved ones left me and I cried during rainy days when I was young, but now the raindrops do not bother me. I was too young to find out, but I am still working on the reason.
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You're a fake. Run away...
I got out of a cult I didn’t know I was in.
It was my hometown and my place of origin–my ancestry. I lived for perfectionism and greatly achieved it…until I didn’t.
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Sphere of Lies...
Imagine for a moment, if you could, being engulfed by an invisible sphere.
Now imagine that someone else sneakily got YOU to create that sphere and imprison yourself. A thought prison if you will. A beautiful and simple prison of the mind – no key required to lock yourself in. No need for anyone to check in on you to make sure you are still locked up, after all you are a great prison guard in your own sphere. Why would you need someone to check in on you?
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I survived being dragged out of my bed in the middle of the night by two strangers, yanked down a flight of stairs by my feet, leaving rug burn on my chin, threatened with handcuffs: leaving the ‘hard way’ if I was not compliant or yelled bomb in the airport, I would be departing to a place I couldn’t know.
I was told that my parents had signed over custody and no longer wanted me, that things were going to be different now, that I was finally going to learn my place, before being transported across state lines. I was not allowed to change on my own, I’d never been nude in front of an adult and felt violated.
I realized my body wasn't mine anymore. I knew my mom was upstairs, had opened my door, signed me away. She was ok with what they were doing to me.
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Surviving 'Happily Ever After': My Life with a Narcissist...
In 2012, I came with a friend to Sweden. I met a guy (in a pub), and fell in love with him. I was a little lost at this time in my life. I’d graduated from college, but couldn’t seem to settle down after a 7-year relationship ended in a very drastic way.
I noticed he drank quite a bit. I drank with him, because i have addiction problems (which i now know have to do with generational trauma).
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The Secrets of a Cult Like School...
At the beginning of the fall semester of junior high school in Berkeley California in 1962 I was entering the second half of the ninth grade. I was a “midterm” student, having begun kindergarten in January due to the overcrowding in public schools of baby boomer children after World War Two.
I was not a happy fourteen-year-old, but that is not uncommon for adolescents.
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The Predator’s Prey...
I got out of a trap.
In 2016, I was a target for a person who preyed upon those going through the muck of life without support and looking for like-minded people to help them up. At first, the predator was hiding; lurking in the shadows of the internet, using search tools to cast a wide net in hopes of catching those in crisis, those in limbo, those like me.
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Between the Dim and the Dark...
Seeing the phrase “survivors of high demand environments” was the first time I really felt seen in the cult conversation. I am emerging from ten years of intense work in a high demand personal transformation environment that tracks with some of the popular LGATs (Large Group Awareness Trainings.
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The Essential Oil Network Marketing Cult-ure...
If there's anything I've learnt over the last three crazy mind-blowing years, is that it's OK to get things wrong, and it's OK to change your mind.
On that last point, not only is it OK, but sometimes it's healthy, responsible, grown up, and entirely necessary. I've lost track of how many causes and issues I've changed my views on since the early half of 2020, the MLM I joined being one of them. In my experience, this process gets easier in some ways, and not in others.
If you said to me a few years ago that the essential oil company I was working with was cult-like, I would have probably just laughed it off, but now I see things differently.
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Note to Self: Don't Join Another Cult!
I was born 6th and 7th generation in an American cult, cleverly disguised as a religion.
My ancestors on both of my parents’ sides go back to the beginning of the cult. I was born “under the covenant”, which means, my parents were married and “sealed” to each other for “time and all eternity” in one of the sacred (and secret) temples before I was born.
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Stolen Moments Became Moments Stolen...
I got out of a company that slowly, over the course of ten years, ended up consuming my life, stealing the most precious years of motherhood under the guise of the complete opposite–time freedom.
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